15 Coolest Science Experiments For Kids | Indoor Activities For Kids

Have you finally run out of indoor activities to entertain your kids with while they are stuck at home? If so, then take this chance to get them involved in some educational activities! Here are 15 of the coolest science experiments and projects you can conduct with your kids at home!

15. Easy Heart Pump Model: Cardiovascular STEM for Kids

A great way to get kids excited about science projects is to make it all about them. The human body is a great place to start learning about STEM!

Check it here.

14. Easy Science Project With Skittles

Science experiments are incredibly fun with kids. We did this cool science project with Skittles today to help with weather week.

Check it here.

13. How To Make A Lava Lamp – 5 Different Ways Including Glow in the Dark

Sometimes we try something that makes the boys just stop and silently stare in wonder. Other times my kids come up with brilliant ideas that result in some pretty amazing things. This week both things happened when we made DIY Lava Lamps!

Check it here.

12. How to Create a Foaming Rainbow

Need a new sensory play in this cold weather? This foaming rainbow is sure to add color to dreary winter days. Here is how to create a foaming rainbow.

Check it here.

11. Homemade Cracked Marble Necklace Tutorial

Mix a bit of science and craftiness to make your own unique Homemade Cracked Marble Necklace. They’re cheap, easy and fun to make.

Check it here.

10. Galaxy Blue Baking Soda And Vinegar Reaction

Are you looking for easy at home toddler activities? This baking soda and vinegar reaction is fun for toddlers up to preteens. You only need 2 simple ingredients to make the volcano bubbles, and three ingredients to make it blue.

Check it here.

9. Ice Balloons Science Experiment for Kids

Take your snow play up a notch with colorful ice balloons. They’re fun to play with and an easy science experiment for teaching kids how water turns to ice.

Check it here.

8. Magic Milk Science Experiment

This Magic Milk Science Experiment is so neat to watch! We are surprised with the color changes and designs every time we complete this activity.

Check it here.

7. Shaving Cream Rain Cloud in a Jar STEM Experiment

This shaving cream rain clouds activity is a fun and easy way to teach children how it rains. Kids will love the magical wow factor and YOU’LL love the easy prep!

Check it here.

6. Bicycle Centrifuge

I remember the first time I saw a centrifuge in a lab and thinking how clever it was. Centrifuges can be used to separate mixtures, by spinning them at very high speeds. Liquids that are more dense settle at the bottom of a test tube after spinning.

Check it here.

5. Flower Potions STEM Activity

One thing that is always a hit in our household is a magic potion! There is something that kids find so special about mixing and pouring ingredients and getting the surprise of a fun chemical reaction. You can make a potion activity for almost every theme imaginable.

Check it here.

4. At Home Chemistry: Cleaning Pennies with Ketchup

Want to wow your kids with some simple kitchen science? (Or have a fun science fair project?) This is a fun and easy STEM activity that introduces the idea of oxidation and basic chemical reactions. All with pocket change actually.

Check it here.

3. Toddler Science Experiment with Baking Soda Art

This toddler science experiment teaches how baking soda and vinegar react, while making a colorful art project. Your toddler won’t believe their eyes!

Check it here.

2. Dry Ice Experiments with Bubbles

One of the easiest and most impressive dry ice experiments is the dry ice bubble experiment. Kids love seeing the giant smoking bubble monster grow and grow, and can safely touch and play with the bubbles. It’s a great sensory activity!

Check it here.

1. How To Make A Rock Candy Science Experiment

Are your kids looking for a fun indoor activity that couples the wonders of science with the joys of eating? A DIY rock candy science experiment might be for you!

Check it here.

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