Geometric Wall Paint: Design Ideas With Tape (2024 Trends)

Looking for ideas of geometric wall paint design? This is the best place for inspiration, and after reading this article, you’ll be able to implement your wall paint design ideas with tape like a pro!

Geometric prints remain one of the most acute and relevant trends in 2024. This applies to all the aspects of design, including both fashion and interior. And if the stylish geometry on dresses and sweaters doesn’t look as something unusual any more the situations with home décor looks a bit different as the trend is still taken as an extravagant one. Today, mural geometric paint is of particular interest – they are large-scale triangular prints that are concerned as a way to create an incredibly attractive accent.

Geometry as a design technique allows you to change the role of the wall – instead of acting as a background for furniture and decor it is perceived as a self-sufficient focal point. Thanks to this coloring, you can play with shades and space and use asymmetry as a harmonious solution. The geometry is versatile and looks naturally both in  an ultramodern and mid-century interior.

Geometric Wall Paint: Design Ideas With Tape. Looking for ideas of geometric wall paint design? This is the best place for inspiration, and after reading this article, you'll be able to implement your wall paint design ideas with tape like a pro! DIY geometric mural paint. Geometric Wall Art ideas #wallart #walldecor #wallpaper #homedecor #diy

Taken from A Kailo Chic Life

Geometric wall paint still remains a kind of a stylish interior statement. Noteworthy, that such an idea is quite simple to implement with the help of paint or wallpaper – and when you want something else, updating the print will not be a complicated matter. We are ready to tell you more about what kinds of paint are really up-to-date and how can you do it on your own.

Geometric Wall Paint: Design Ideas With Tape

Geometric Wall Paint: the Pros

We may keep talking about the benefits of geometric pattern on the walls round the clock. However, if you still hesitate and want to make a decision quickly, we are going to summarize all the obvious advantages of such an interior solution.


Taken from Wallsauce UK

  • It’s fresh. If you want to create something really interesting and relevant, feel free to turn to the geometric paint. It is impossible to create two identical projects and you may be sure that you will not see anything similar anywhere.
  • It’s colorful. Deep play on contrasts and shades of the same color will allow you to experiment with accents and space and discover a new vision of familiar colors.
  • It’s changeable. If you want to try on a new kind of geometric wall painting, it does not take much time and does not require excessive effort.
  • It’s easy. If you decide to try DIY geometric mural paint, you will never doubt the success. The geometric pattern is so easy to make that you risk getting carried away by it.
  • It’s inexpensive. Wall paint of the right color and size will turn much cheaper than exclusive wallpaper or luxury designer art project. However, the effect will be no less impressive.

Geometric Paint Ideas

If you are interested in mural geometric paint but you still need some inspiration we would like to offer you some fresh and vivid ideas that you can easily adapt for your own interior.

  1. Soft Tones

You don’t need to use extra vivid colors to create a stylish atmosphere. Muted palette close to natural colors is able to make the sharp corners of the pattern less challenging.

Geometric Wall Paint: Design Ideas With Tape. Looking for ideas of geometric wall paint design? This is the best place for inspiration, and after reading this article, you'll be able to implement your wall paint design ideas with tape like a pro! DIY geometric mural paint. Geometric Wall Art ideas #wallart #walldecor #wallpaper #homedecor #diy

Taken from French By Design

  1. Pastel Coolness

The expressive vibrant colors of geometric shapes on the wall seem even richer due to the cool blue environment.

Pastel Coolness

Taken from Studio Salaris

  1. A Mix of Ideas

If the wall design has not been yet stated, this kind of mosaic wall paint will be the most welcomed one.

Geometric Wall Paint: A Mix of Ideas

Taken from Mur

  1. A Bit of Geometry

It is not necessary to cover the whole wall surface with triangles, squares, or trapezoids. A bright splash is sometimes enough to refresh the familiar interior.

A Bit of Geometry - Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from IXXI

  1. This Cute Patchwork

The combination of vibrant colors and harmonious patchwork-like arrangement of elements allows you to set the rhythm and dynamics of the room interior as a whole.

This Cute Patchwork - Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from SuperLimao Studio

  1. A Point Sketch

Sometimes, geometric wall paint is not just covering the surface itself. You may apply some posters with geometric patterns as well. Try various colors and combinations or give preference to the same motives – both variants give a stunning effect.

A Point Sketch - Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from ilovebokkie

Geometric Paint Designs

Geometric mural paint is a great idea for giving your bedroom or living room a strong individual vibe. One of the most pleasant aspects of decorating walls with geometric patterns is the choice of the most appropriate designs. We are going to present you some interesting and easy-to-make solutions – feel free to experiment.

  1. Two Tones

This clear and pleasant contrast always looks a win-win.

Two Tones - Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from Domino

  1. Different Sizes and Same Shape

The experiment with sizes within one shape seems alive and very energetic. This solution is perfect for children, living room, or even bedroom. Try your best to use more than three stencils of different ranges.

Different Sizes and Same Shape - Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from Inspired By This

  1. Mix-and-Match Shapes

The elements of various shapes create a unique mural mosaic paint. Use special stencils or templates to make everything faster and without annoying misses. This is one of the easiest geometric wall paint design ideas with tape.

Mix-and-Match Shapes - Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from Decoration Solutions

  1. Oversized

A bit of exaggeration seems to be rather good for geometric wall paint. The giant geometric shape looks great in both small and spacious rooms. Besides, you don’t need to center the pattern as the asymmetry looks even better in this case.

Oversized Geometric Wall Paint

Taken from vtwonen

Geometric Pattern on Wall: How to Paint

Geometric Pattern on Wall: How to Paint

Taken from Inspired By This

Geometric Wall

As we have mentioned above geometric wall paint is rather simple. What you need is just some props, a bit of fantasy, and, for sure, some patience. Keep to the five steps below to transform your room into a stylish and vibrant space.

What you need:

  • a strong sticky tape;
  • scissors or a razor;
  • spray cans of the needed colors;
  • a pen for the pattern drawing;
  • gloves and a mask for the skin and face protection.

Step 1. Make a Project

Think carefully about the pattern you want to see on the wall and transfer your idea to paper. You can also use a computer program like Adobe Illustrator to set the elements to the best possible position.

Step 2. Draw a Sketch on the Wall

You can make special stencils for that or do everything instinctively. The second option is preferable for those who like to experiment and easily changes their mind. Remember of dividing the sections for different colors and shapes of your project.

Step 3. Protect Wall and Floor Areas That Are Not Under the Paint

Cover the floor with newspapers or some old cloth and tape the pattern on the wall. Thus you will avoid unnecessary stains of paint and make your work more accurate.

Step 4. Keep Painting

Use the spray cans that you have prepared. Try to spray the paint evenly and do not forget about the gloves and the mask.

Step 5. Improve the Pattern

Apply a second coat of paint to make the drawing more vivid and clear. When the paint dries, remove the tape and complete all unclean and unfinished lines using a small brush.

А DIY geometric wall paint might do a kind of wonder for your room. The fact that you have done all this with your own hands will certainly add to your joy. Good luck!

Did you enjoy these ideas? Save THIS PIN below for later to your Geometric Wall Paint board on Pinterest!

Geometric Wall Paint: Design Ideas With Tape. Looking for ideas of geometric wall paint design? This is the best place for inspiration, and after reading this article, you'll be able to implement your wall paint design ideas with tape like a pro! DIY geometric mural paint. Geometric Wall Art ideas #wallart #walldecor #wallpaper #homedecor

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