Outer Space Themed Bedroom Decor Ideas

As children explore and learn about the vast mysteries of outer space in school, it’s common for them to become utterly fascinated with the cosmos.

This enthusiasm typically sparks around age five, though each child is unique, and for some, this wonder may persist well into their later years.

During this phase of discovery, children often dream of transforming their bedrooms into a celestial haven—a cool, space-themed retreat where they can dream among the stars and planets.

The room decor idea of space, a boundless canvas dotted with stars and swirling planets, captures the imagination of young minds, igniting a desire to bring that sense of adventure and exploration closer to home.

Creating a space-themed bedroom can be a delightful project that helps nurture a child’s fascination with the universe.

With decor that’s as boundless as the galaxy, parents can design a room that not only fuels the imagination but also serves as a cozy backdrop for stargazing and storytelling.

Such a room can be a sanctuary where both kids and adults feel like they’re stepping into a different world—one where they can connect over shared awe and perhaps learn a little more about the universe together.

Space Themed Bedroom

Outer Space Themed Bedroom Decor Ideas

12. Space Wall Stickers – Outer Space Decor for Boys Room or Bedroom Nursery Decor

Space wall stickers are an excellent and versatile choice for decorating a child’s nursery room or bedroom with a cosmic theme. They offer an easy and effective way to transform any space into a celestial adventure. 

Here’s how you can use these stickers to their full potential.

Using wall stickers is a simple, mess-free way to achieve a professional-looking theme without the need for painting or permanent changes.

This makes them perfect for customizing children’s rooms, giving them a space that feels personal and inspiring, while also being easily updated as their interests evolve.

Space Wall Stickers - Outer Space Decor for Boys Room or Bedroom Nursery Decor

11. DIY Space Rocket Bookshelf for Space Themed Bedroom

That sounds like a fantastic addition to a space-themed bedroom! A DIY rocket bookshelf not only serves as a functional piece of furniture but also enhances the room’s thematic appeal, making it an exciting feature for any young space enthusiast.

Here’s a quick guide on how you might go about creating this rocket bookshelf.

DIY Space Rocket Bookshelf for Space Themed Bedroom

10. Outer Space Bedroom Ideas Your Kids Room Decor

Creating a space-themed bedroom for your child can be a fantastic adventure that feeds their fascination with the cosmos without requiring permanent or expensive changes.

Here’s how you can bring the universe a little closer to home with flexible and inspiring decor ideas.

Start by decorating the walls with removable wall decals featuring planets, stars, astronauts, or spaceships. These are great because they instantly transform the room and can easily be changed as your child’s interests evolve.

For a magical touch at night, consider a projector night light that casts images of galaxies or constellations onto the ceiling and walls, perfect for bedtime stargazing.

Switching to space-themed bedding is another simple yet effective way to enhance the room’s theme. Opt for sheets, comforters, and pillowcases adorned with celestial bodies or spacecraft.

This is an easy update that can dramatically change the look of the room and can be easily switched out.

Educational posters and maps of the solar system or star maps can add both style and educational value to the walls. These can spark curiosity and serve as a learning tool for your young astronomer.

Adding a three-dimensional touch, a model solar system hanging from the ceiling not only decorates the space but also helps your child visualize the actual solar system.

For functional yet thematic lighting, consider a rocket-shaped lamp, and complement the soft furnishings with fun, space-themed items like asteroid-shaped pillows. These can be fun and whimsical additions that are also practical.

Lastly, set up a special space corner in the room—a small tent or canopy that mimics a space station, filled with space-themed books and toys. This can be your child’s personal capsule for reading, playing, or dreaming about the stars.

With these ideas, you can create a space-themed bedroom that is as flexible as it is enchanting, allowing you to update the theme as your child grows and their interests in the vast universe continue to evolve.

Outer Space Bedroom Ideas Your Kids Will Love

9. 11 Outer Space Kids Bedroom Ideas

Creating a cohesive space-themed bedroom can seem like a daunting task, but with the right elements, you can design a room that’s both inspiring and functional.

Here’s how you can incorporate various space-themed decorations to create a universe of wonder right in your child’s bedroom:

Solar System: Begin by centering the theme around a model solar system, which can be suspended from the ceiling. This serves as an educational centerpiece that captures the essence of the cosmos.

Spaceship and Astronaut Decor: Incorporate elements that evoke the feel of being on a spaceship or being an astronaut. This can include metallic and sleek furniture, control panel decals for the walls, or bedding and pillows shaped like astronauts or space gear.

Star Wars Theme: For the Star Wars enthusiast, integrate iconic characters and spacecraft into the room’s decor. Wall decals, a themed bedspread, and models of the Millennium Falcon or X-Wings can transform the kids room into a galaxy far, far away.

Constellation and Star Walls: Decorate a section of the wall with glow-in-the-dark stars or use constellation decals to create a night sky effect. This not only beautifies the room but also makes it a fun, interactive way to learn about different star patterns.

Full Moon and Galaxy: Add a touch of magic with a full moon wall decal or mural that glows in the dark, or paint a galaxy mural on one of the walls. This can create a stunning visual impact and serve as a focal point of the boy room.

Retro Space Elements: Incorporate a retro space vibe with vintage space posters, old-school rocket models, and classic alien imagery. This adds a nostalgic touch that can be very stylish and charming.

Rocket Elements: Use rocket-shaped lamps or shelves to add functionality while keeping in theme. A rocket-shaped chair or desk could also add a unique touch.

Galaxy Bedding and Space-Themed Lighting: Select bedding that mimics the look of a galaxy with swirling colors and stars. Complement this with space-themed lighting such as a planet-shaped lamp or lights that mimic stars to enhance the atmosphere during the night.

By combining these elements, you can create a space-themed bedroom that’s as expansive and magical as the universe itself.

Each component works together to transport your child into their own little cosmos, making their bedroom a place of endless imagination and exploration.

11 Space Themed Bedroom Ideas

8. Space Bedroom Decor Ideas: Boy Room Wall Decor, Space Wall Decal, Kids Space Posters, Lighting, Furniture, DIY Projects

Transforming your bedroom into a celestial oasis is a creative way to infuse the allure of the cosmos into your personal space.

Whether you’re a stargazer, a fan of science fiction, or simply enchanted by the aesthetic of outer space, here’s how you can create a dreamy and cosmic atmosphere in your bedroom:

Start by painting your walls in deep, space-inspired hues like midnight blues, rich purples, or sleek blacks. Consider adding a mural or outer space wall decals that feature celestial bodies such as stars, planets, moons, or galaxies to bring the night sky indoors.

For bedding, choose designs that reflect cosmic motifs or celestial bodies. Opting for glow-in-the-dark bedding can add a magical touch, lighting up the room with constellations when the lights go off.

Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood. Install fiber optic lights in the ceiling to mimic a starry sky or use lamps that project constellations to enhance the room’s overall ambiance.

Choose furniture that mirrors the streamlined, metallic surfaces often associated with space exploration, such as futuristic chairs or sleek desks. This not only ties into the space theme but also adds a modern touch to your decor.

Accessorize with items that evoke the mystery of the universe, like telescopes, globes of the moon or planets, or meteorite samples. Consider hanging framed posters of famous space missions or paintings of cosmic scenes to deepen the theme.

Get creative with DIY projects to add a personal touch to your space. You might paint your own cosmic scenes on canvas, create a planet mobile to hang from the ceiling, or build a model rocket.

By integrating these elements, you can transform your bedroom from a simple sleeping space to an inspiring cosmic getaway.

This setup not only serves as a unique decor theme but also as a nightly invitation to drift off under a star-filled sky, right in the comfort of your space theme room.

Space Bedroom Decor Ideas: Wall Decor, Lighting, Furniture, DIY Projects

7. Gorgeous Outer Space Themed Home Decor For Bedrooms

Capturing the enchantment of the night sky and the allure of celestial bodies in your child’s bedroom is a marvelous way to inspire awe and nurture imagination.

Here’s how you can create a space-themed sanctuary that allows your kids to drift off under a starry canopy each night, bringing the outdoors and its cosmic wonders inside.

Start by transforming the walls into a canvas that reflects the night sky. Repainting the bedroom walls with celestial colors is key. Opt for darker tones to represent the night skies—think deep purple, navy, dark pink, or even black.

These colors set the base for your cosmic theme, emulating the vast, open sky.

To add depth and dimension, introduce lighter tones that mimic the natural gradients you see in the sky at night.

Shades like sky blue, turquoise, white, and yellow can represent moonlight filtering through clouds, the glow of distant meteors, or the soft light of dawn.

These colors can be used for accents, blending seamlessly with the darker base to create a dynamic and immersive environment.

Incorporate a ceiling mural or decals that feature constellations like Orion’s Belt or the Crux stars. Glow-in-the-dark paint is an excellent choice for stars and celestial bodies, providing a subtle illumination that mimics the night sky.

This touch not only enhances the room’s atmosphere but also serves as an educational tool, helping your child learn about different stars and constellations.

Don’t forget about incorporating thematic accessories and DIY projects. For instance, you can create a model of the solar system to hang from the ceiling, adding both a visual element and a hands-on learning experience.

Rocket-shaped lamps, planetary mobiles, and rugs designed to look like the surface of the moon can further complement the theme.

By integrating these elements, you transform your child’s bedroom into a space that not only encourages sleep but also curiosity and dreaming—making bedtime an adventure into the cosmos they look forward to every night.

Gorgeous Space Decorations For Bedrooms

6. Modern Girl’s Space Themed Room Decor

Your transformation of a typical “boy” theme into a modern girl’s space-themed bedroom sounds truly inspiring and beautifully tailored to your daughters’ interests!

It’s fantastic to hear how you’ve created a room that not only reflects their love for space but also incorporates chic and functional elements.

The idea of using stackable storage cubbies from Target as a long bench is both practical and stylish.

It’s a smart way to maintain organization while also providing a space that serves multiple functions—storage for books and toys, and a surface for a desk task lamp and decorative items like a wooden rocket ship.

This type of multifunctional furniture is excellent for maximizing space, especially in a shared bedroom.

The zodiac prints above each bed add a wonderfully personalized touch to the room. It’s a creative way to make each child feel special and connected to their unique constellation.

This not only beautifies the space but also fosters a personal connection and could spark conversations about stars and astronomy.

Including artwork with sweet sayings and planetary images is another great way to blend aesthetics with education, making the room not just a place to sleep, but also a space to learn and dream.

These artistic additions help to create an “Out of this World” theme that is both enchanting and personal.

To enhance this space theme even further, you might consider adding elements like:

  • LED star lights or a fiber optic starry sky ceiling to bring the night sky indoors, making the celestial theme come alive at night.
  • Thematic area rugs, perhaps in shapes of planets or a galaxy print, to tie the room together and make the floor space more engaging.
  • Interactive elements like a small telescope by a window for stargazing or a wall-mounted solar system that they can touch and explore.

By combining functional design with personalized touches and educational elements, you’ve created a space that encourages imagination, learning, and a sense of ownership and pride in their personal space.

It’s wonderful to see how a themed room can be tailored so thoughtfully to suit both the practical and fantastical needs of growing children.

Modern Girl’s Space Room Decor

5. Space Wall Art for my Little Boys

Congratulations on the room reveal in your new house—that’s always an exciting milestone! Transitioning from a beloved Superhero Room to a space-themed room sounds like a fantastic way to cater to Parker’s new interests.

It’s great to hear that you’re taking a more nuanced approach to the theme, opting for neutral tones with strategic space-related accents rather than overwhelming the room with bright colors and motifs.

This approach not only keeps the room stylish and adaptable but also allows for easy updates as Parker’s tastes evolve.

Adding “themed” touches can effectively bring the space theme to life without making it feel like a commercial or overly cartoonish setting. It’s wonderful to hear that Parker is thrilled with his new space room and eager to show it off.

It sounds like you’ve created a room that’s both a fun and comforting space for him, and hopefully, your younger child enjoys it just as much—even if they might be just as happy in a cardboard box!

If you’re looking for additional ideas or need tips on how to maintain the balance between themed and chic, feel free to ask. It sounds like you’ve done a wonderful job already!

My Little Boys’ Space Room Makeover

4. Space Themed Room Idea: Spherical Kids Beds for Cosmic Adventures


Introducing spherical space-themed kids’ beds is a fantastic way to ignite children’s imaginations and turn every bedtime into an exciting space adventure.

These beds, ingeniously designed as planets or spaceships, serve not just as cozy sleeping spots but as dynamic playgrounds that enhance the theme of the room.

The creative design encourages a sense of adventure and exploration, making the children feel like they’re sleeping among the stars and galaxies.

These beds aren’t just pieces of furniture; they are carefully crafted portals that offer a gateway to vast, imaginative universes where dreams are boundless.

By incorporating elements of the cosmos into the design, these beds foster an environment where creativity can flourish, inspiring children to dream big and explore their imagination.

This addition could transform your child’s bedroom into a captivating space, enhancing their love for astronomy and the mysteries of the universe.

Dream Among the Stars: Spherical Space-Themed Kids Beds for Cosmic Adventures

Outer Space Themed Bedroom Decor Ideas

3. Nursery Space Themed Ideas That Are Out of This World

Creating a space-themed nursery offers a delightful opportunity to design a unique and inspiring environment for your little one.

Whether you choose a vibrant, star-filled galaxy or a more subdued celestial motif, this theme is versatile and can stimulate a child’s imagination from the earliest stages.

Decide on your base colors. For a darker, more cosmic look, consider deep blues and purples accented with bright whites or metallics to mimic stars.

For a softer, more understated look, go with pastel hues or neutrals, adding subtle pops of color with your decor choices.

Consider a statement wall with a mural of a moon, planets, or a starry night sky. Alternatively, decals can offer a less permanent solution but still make a big impact.

Glow-in-the-dark stars can add a magical touch, creating a starlit experience at night.

Use lighting to enhance the theme. A star projector or a nightlight that casts celestial patterns across the room can be both practical and enchanting. Pendant lights shaped like stars or planets can also add to the theme.

Opt for modern, sleek furniture in neutral colors to keep the room looking clean and open. Incorporate a round, comfy chair that mimics the moon for story times or a rocket-shaped bookshelf to spark imagination.

Choose bedding and curtains with celestial prints. Soft fabrics with moons, stars, and planets can tie the room together. A plush, star-shaped rug or a galaxy-themed throw can add comfort and style.

As your child grows, introduce educational toys and books about space to complement the nursery decor. This can be a fun and interactive way for your child to learn about astronomy.

Create DIY mobiles with elements like rockets, stars, and planets to hang over the crib or changing area. These handmade touches can make the space feel personal and loved.

Remember, the key to a stunning space-themed nursery is in the details. By blending style with imagination, you can create a space that feels both cozy and adventurous.

It’s a room that will not only soothe them to sleep but also inspire dreams of the great beyond. Have fun decorating, and soon enough, your little star explorer will be enjoying their new cosmic haven!

Space-Themed Nursery Ideas That Are Out of This World

2. Space Theme Bedroom Space Wall Decor

This bedroom seamlessly blends comfort with contemporary elegance. The flooring features sleek white tiles that provide a clean and modern base, contributing to the room’s fresh aesthetic.

To soften the coolness of the tiles and add a layer of warmth, a soft grey carpet is strategically placed, making it a pleasure to walk on.

At the heart of the room is a plush bed, an embodiment of comfort and style. Its inviting softness makes it an ideal haven for a peaceful night’s sleep or a serene spot to unwind during the day.

This bedroom is thoughtfully curated for those who cherish a simple yet sophisticated sanctuary where relaxation is paramount. The design ensures a retreat-like atmosphere, perfect for escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Space Themed Bedroom with a Beautiful Wallpaper of Space

1. Outer Space Boys Bedroom Decor Ideas for DIY Parents


Choosing a space theme for a boys room decor offers a universe of possibilities, making it a captivating choice for sparking creativity and imagination.

The theme encompasses an expansive array of elements, from celestial bodies like stars and planets to human endeavors in space exploration such as space shuttles and astronauts.

Additionally, the inclusion of meteorites and various interpretations of constellations adds layers of depth and interest to the decor.

Venturing into the realm of fictional space opens up even more decorating possibilities. With many popular books, TV shows, and movies set in outer space, the options for themes and characters are vast and vibrant.

This can be especially exciting for children, allowing them to immerse themselves in worlds from their favorite stories.

To effectively implement a space-themed room, it’s beneficial to decide early on whether to focus on real astronomical features, human spaceflight, fictional space adventures, or a combination of these.

This early decision will guide your choices in decor, helping you stay organized and focused throughout the decorating process.

Whether you choose to hang posters of galaxies, use bedding with star maps, display models of spacecraft, or incorporate artwork of fictional cosmic adventures, the space theme offers endless opportunities to create a stimulating environment that encourages both learning and imagination.

Outer Space-Themed Kids’ Room Decor Ideas for DIY Parents

Space Themed Bedroom Decor


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